

What a Foreclosure Attorney Does

Facing and dealing with the possibility of losing your home can be stressful. Due to unexpected turn of events, such as loss of job or medical expenses, people may face the nightmarish possibility of foreclosure. However, this does not mean you can do nothing to stop it. Just be guided by a foreclosure defense lawyer in Baltimore to make sure that you are on the right track. 

There are ways you can stop the foreclosure of your home. One is hiring a foreclosure advocate, especially when some matters and concerns require the expertise of a lawyer. Here is a list of what a foreclosure advocate can do for you.

  • Provide legal counsel during the foreclosure
  • Help prevent the foreclosure process
  • Represent you in legal proceedings
  • Handle the communication between you and the bank or mortgage servicer.
  • File documents necessary for loan modification
  • Assist you in filing for the right type of bankruptcy
  • Work and negotiate with creditors

Forbearance, loan modification, and loan repayment plans are ways to stop the foreclosure of your property. Some programs and agencies assist homeowners to prevent foreclosure. However, you still need the services and counsel of an expert in the field. Hire Richard Hackerman, an expert bankruptcy and foreclosure lawyer in Baltimore, to fully understand the process and complexities of foreclosure.

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