
Tax Sale

What You Need to Know About Tax Sale

The tax sale is a specific type of foreclosure, which refers to the process of recovering property tax when a property owner fails to pay the taxes for some time. This enables the local government to place a lien on the said property to collect the unpaid taxes. When you wish to challenge a tax sale, you will need more than just professional assistance. You will need a tax sales attorney in Baltimore, MD.

The process of tax sale or tax deed sale goes through a public auction in which the highest bidder gets to have the property. This is a way for the government to collect the tax payments. However, there is a way the property owner can recover his property. Through the right of redemption and with the assistance of Richard Hackerman, you can redeem your property even after it was sold in the tax sale auction.

Taking the Challenge

Issues regarding tax sales can heighten up to another level that can result in tax sale litigation. Some circumstances can become a legal ground for court proceedings. This is one reason you need an experienced lawyer when facing overwhelming challenges concerning your properties. These issues include:

  • Lack of Notice 

Property owners have the right to receive notice of the tax sale. They are also allowed to pay their delayed or delinquent taxes. If they are not given notice of the tax sale, this will be enough reason to seek the assistance of a tax sale lawyer and proceed with the legal claim.

  • Failure to Follow or Abide by Legal Process

Government agencies are expected to follow procedures when conducting the tax sale. Failure to do so may invalidate the sale. 

  • Redemption

As mentioned, property owners can challenge a tax sale, and they are given the chance to pay their delinquent taxes. 


These are the things you should know when facing tax sales and foreclosure in Baltimore, MD. However, for more in-depth information, avail of the professional services and assistance of Richard Hackerman.

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